El arte mexicano llega a la ciudad de Dallas

Yo AMO el arte, y ya quiero que se llegue el 12 de marzo! “El arte mexicano hará su primera y única parada en Estados Unidos en el Dallas Museum of Art después de su exitosa presentación en el Grand Palais de París. Organizada en conjunto con la Secretaría de Cultura de México, México 1900-1950. Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco y las vanguardias destaca nuevas narrativas en la historia del arte moderno en México.” Yo siempre he amado el arte. Por si no lo sabéis, soy pintor. Mi padre me enseñó a pintar, cómo utilizar una brocha, coger colores, etc. Esto del arte para mí es muy satisfecho. Yo no me quiero perder esta gran oportunidad de asistir a esta presentación del arte mexicano. Es nuestra cultura cuál representa un poco de lo que somos. Y más en los tiempos que estamos viviendo. Yo os invito a que vayáis a ver esta presentación. Os aseguro que no os vayáis arrepentir. Como diría la gran Doña Maria Victoria, “es un cachito de lo nuestro”. Es una excelente oportunidad para llevar a vuestros hijos, familias y amigos a conocer sobre estas gran figuras mexicanas que ponen el nombre de México en alto. La exhibición comienza el 12 de marzo, la entrada para adultos es de $16 dólares. Os dejo el vínculo para que podéis buscar más información. Comienza el 12 de marzo y termina el 16 de julio, 2017.


Frida Kahlo 

What space can teach us about curiosity and cultures 

Okay, I’m doing it! I really am. I’m going to buy myself a telescope. I love observing the stars, spotting the planets and contemplating the blanket of constellations in the night sky. By the way, Saturn was the first planet I observed through a telescope. I remember the first time I saw the planet at an observatory in North Texas. It was a magical moment, looking at the massive gas giant. It takes Saturn 29.5 earth years to orbit the sun. And it is about seven earth years away from us. I have always been curious about the universe. I was thrilled when NASA posted a press release about the discovery of seven planets that have similarities to those of our planet. I have always believe that other planets out have life, although perhaps not like our species but definitely. I’m curious, and even though NASA has not discovered life existence yet, I still believe. I have always been curious, always. 


—noun, plural cu·ri·os·i·ties.

1. the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness

Lately, I have been very curious. I’m curious about learning about people. I’m referring to people from all diversities and cultures. In a past spanish blog I mentioned that I am currently interestedin learning  from people with a different culture than mine. I feel that in the times I am living, people seem to be closed-minded. The United States is known for its American values of respecting all cultures, religions, and ethnic groups. However, I feel that in a way people like to seperate themselves by categories. And this leads to people, political people, saying offensive things about other who are not their own kind. It leads to ignorance. I love learning and meeting people and curious about where they come from, who they are, what they believe, etc. The same way I am curious and eager to learn about the wonders of space. All stars are part of the universe and each tells a story about our evolution. We have so much to learn from one another. My message is to love your Muslim neighbor, Hindu neighbor, Christian neighbor, etc. Get out there and start a short conversation, act like you care, listen to what they have to say. Ask respectful questions. Don’t be afraid to learn something new about other race groups. I assure you that at the end of the day we are ALL here to live in this world and orbit together around the sun. 



Photo credit: unknown

How learning to play the keyboard saved my life

“Music speaks, when words can’t.” I woke up this morning needing a little extra inspiration to start my day. After having coffee and breakfast (a must) I went to my room and turned on the keyboard to play some melodies. Instantly, my soul started receiving a feeling of inspiration. I started picking up on the keyboard after my brothers moved out. When we were younger we each played a different instrument, I drummed for a couple years and then moved on to learning the bass guitar. We played at gigs on the weekends, mostly private events, and we experienced a phenomenal time. I can say that I grew up circulating the entertainment world. When my brothers got older, they had children, began thier adult lives and continuing the music adventure was a bit of challenge. Responsibilities, lack of time to rehearse, living far from each other, I ended up with a feeling of nostalgia. It strucked me straight in the heart, I have always enjoyed entertaining others, and feeling like a traveling gypsy going from venue to venue. Music has always been a blessing in my life. When I knew I was falling into depression and stress, I seeked a therapy for my soul. One day in 2012, (sorry I forgot the exact date) I turned on an old keyboard stored in the house, and began messing with it. I had no clue what I was doing, my older brother who was the pianist taught me a few chord notes but I had to recall my memory. I went a bookstore and searched for some “learn how to play piano for beginners” type of books. Every evening I would practice and learn for up to an hour, consistently. As I started learning more chords I began composing my own music melodies and I found it very satisfying. It was a different feeling than I get from painting or running. The feeling was healing that with time cured my depression. My mind engaged in this thought and I discovered that music (playing the keyboard) was a channel in which therapy could flow to my mind and heart. Any day that I feel blue, I know playing the keyboard is my medicine and therapy. In it, I find a very special fountain of inspiration. What I learned from this is that sometimes picking up on a new hobby, sport, art, can help cope with emotions. I think some people have yet to discover this connection. And it not always has to be music, or what I previously suggested, sometimes the light is in a place where we haven’t looked in yet. Even cooking, volunteering, helping the community, being active in a cause, etc.., can save you, and others as well. The feeling is inspirational and lifesaving. 

Ir más allá dónde los horizontes se cruzan 

Ya estoy de regreso a mi blog, pero os tengo buenas historias y charlas que compartir. Estuve en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Monterrey, viajé con las cheerleaders de los Miami Dolphins, algo insólito, por fin leí un libro completo y acabo de hacer amistad con una mujer turquesa, la adoro! Me ha enseñado mucho de su cultura, religión y raíces. Lo que más amo es que me dio de comer de su comida. Ya sabéis que yo amo mucho comer, me fascina! [risas] Es interesante ver cómo la gente llega de repente a nuestra vida. Algunos de pasada, otros se ven a diario, algunos para hacernos la vida imposible y otros para abrir vuestro conocimiento del mundo. Me refiero a darse cuenta que existen millones de personas con diferentes culturas y maneras de vivir. Por lo visto, la mayoría de gente vive con una mente cerrada. Es decir que no explora o conoce más allá de su propia raza. Mi deseo en este 2017 es conocer a gente de muchos países. Quiero aprender de su forma de vivir, su integración social en el país que vivimos y como les afecta la manera crucial que el gobierno actual os ha puesto. Creo que si exploráramos más allá del horizonte, el mundo pensará diferente. Tal vez no hubiese mucha ignorancia, respetáramos más a toda las poblaciones que ofrecen diversidad y que forman este gran país. Sólo así podremos mejorar como nación y sin ofender o discriminar a vuestros vecinos. Todos estamos en este mundo para vivir. Respiramos el mismo aire y nos late un corazón por dentro. Quizás, haya diferencias pero si os enfocáis en como formar un compromiso que respete a todos podemos vivir con más tranquilidad. Lo más importante es reconocer que todos fuimos y seremos inmigrantes. 

Esta foto la tomé antes de aterrizar en la ciudad que amo y radico, Dallas, Tx. 

I’m a blue-true colors personality test

Warm, compassionate, romantic, philosophical, idealistic, willing to work tirelessly for a cause, affirming, likes people, sympathetic, a great communicator; to name several of my blue personality traits. I have taken the True Colors personality test a fifth time and yup, I’m a blue. The other colors are green, orange, and gold. Okay, so what on earth am I referring to? The Tru Colors personality test was created by Don Lowry in 1979. The test was invented as “a way to understand the behaviors and motivations of others relative to our own personalities to help mitigate potential conflict by learning to recognize personality differences and characteristics” to make it clear here’s why it works: 

“Successful people know who they are and what their True Colors are… when you know what your core values and needs are and feel good about them; you can perform at your highest potential in every area of life. And when you share a working, mutual understanding of other’ core values and needs, you have the basis to communicate, motivate, and achieve common goals with utmost dignity, efficacy, and mutual respect.” Don Lowry, creator of True Colors.

For me as a communication scholar in the making, it has helped me identify my persona, and how I portray myself to others, whether it is at work, school, socially or with family. Additionally, it helps with my interactions with others, since people that may have a different True Colors personality color can communicate differently. Making assumptions and labeling comes naturally to us, it’s how we make sense of our lives and experiences. However, the problem with labeling others is that it affects our interactions. Participating in a True Colors personality test is so insightful, it gives us a chance to learn about the strengths, motivations and communication styles of all four True Colors personality types – Green, Blue, Gold and Orange.

Here’s a link if you wish to know your color: https://lonerwolf.com/true-colors-personality-test/

We need to act more on kindness

I’m back! Wow. It has certainly been forever since I’ve blogged. I’m feeling inspired to share the good vibes with everyone. Okay, so I’m known to be the guy who is always saying hello to everyone and asking friends and strangers how their day is going. At times I also have small chats with them. Regardless if I see them often and in the same place. I was told this today by a colleague. Honestly all I could answer was that I got raised around people that always tried to show kindness and respect to others. I know we are all living under tough circumstances, especially under the new presidential administration. Every time I tune on the news, it seems as if people have drifted into promoting more hatred and vulgarity at each other. I am here to inform and persuade everyone who reads this blog to practice more acts of kindness. Sometimes it’s true that certain people do not appreciate this priceless gift,  but that’s because they have surrounded themselves with negativity. Let me assure you that a simple act of kindness can brighten a persons day. We do not know what goes around in everyone’s mind or daily lives. Ask your neighbor how they are doing, spark a short conversation, engage like you actually care. People will remember how you treat them. Together we can make difference, and at the end of the day we are all here to live, together in this world. Spread more Kindness


1. the state or quality of being kind: friendly feeling; liking